Collin Farrell is Back!!!!!
This is My IDOL!!! Xtaw la kenapa....Tp saya jadi teruja bile tgok die in new filem this 2nd August. Klo jumpe, mmg pengsan la sy. Hehehe. Gile dunia with this guy. Yang paling saya trauma adalah lakonan die....Watak jahat ker watak baek...ganas....romantik.....Owhh!! Hehehehe....:) Lantak la owg kate saya gedik ker ape ker. He is my idol dr kecik, smpai la skunk nie...Saya mmg xsabar pas dgr film lakonan die nk kuar 2 August nie. Same date with my elder brother's Birthday. Hope my brother, Along stay here until this 2nd August. Can't wait. Okey...continue study!
Ini slot Trailer for his coming movie.
Ini slot Trailer for his coming movie.